Saw it in the headlines.
Feeding you all kinds of Trash.
And trying to get your kids to be an in environment where they are Controlled.
No such thing as Freedom of Thought when you are being told.
What to buy, or what to inject in your body.
Without even questioning why they are injecting it into you.
And if you refuse.
They'll try to put you in jail.
For not taking the poison.
Because you're using your head.
That's why they're trying to vaccinate you instead.
This is becoming a Big Brother...
Vaccination Nation.
With no Sensation of your brain ever fully functioning again.
While you've been.
Taking the Mercy Shots.
With thousands of chemicals that destroy your most Conscious thoughts.
This is now the...
Vaccination Nation.
Trying to kill us off one by one!
Vaccination Nation.
If your doctor says ''Yes'' if the School says ''Yes''.
Say No! No! No!!!
Vaccination Nation.
Dr. Oz , you're pharmaceutical Sellout.
Wouldn't have gotten where he is without.
Advertising at Walgreens telling you to get your Flu Shoot.
I wanna know whose money backed or bought.
This HealthCare funded, Political Lie!
Vaccination Nation.
Proven to cause Autism.
It's gonna destroy your Immune System!
(End of 1st Chorus).
Diseases and Flu viruses are invented in a Lab.
No where else.
Stop obeying!
and start saying.
Now you can't go to school in the State of California.
Without proof of being vaccinated.
In every County and every City.
From Upland, Ontario, L.A. to San bernardino.
It's everywhere in the State.
Next thing you know they'll try to arrest you for being homeschooled.
Or not taking their Vaccine.
See what I mean?
But this is just the beginning of their scene.
Which is nothing.
Compared to what they will do next.
But you ain't gonna vaccinate me!
Cus I'm Conscious ya see!
And so many others are too.
Be it from age 13 up to 22.
But then again, there's the Dumbed Down Americans like you.
Who believe and obey everything they are told to do.
Without even doing the Research nor understanding the risks.
This is becoming a...
Vaccination Nation.
Can you feel your brain slowing down?
Vaccination Nation!
Stand up, Stand up.
Stand up, stand up.
Vaccination Nation!
Trying to give not only girls but your boys Gardasil.
Which will.
Not prevent them from anything.
But rather making your children mentally retarded.
Do you even know how many girls have been killed by this Vaccine?
Or are you really that stupid to give this to them?
Vaccination Nation.
This isn't a Conspiracy Theory, it's the Truth!
Vaccination Nation!
Stop believing everything you hear on the tab.
Cus because it's on the front of a paper doesn't mean it's the truth.
Vaccination Nation!
With no Sensation of your Conscious Choice left!
(End of Last Chorus).
They try to make you think the Vaccine is the only Solution given.
While the profit they make off of you is war driven.
And the CDC as been apart of it from the start.
Guess why? it's cus they have no heart.
At the same time they'll try to destroy creative people expressing their art.
By making us take Vaccine after Vaccine.
Don't take the Flu Shots.
What they are afraid of is you connecting the dots.
Depopulation is linked.
With these holding vaccines.
They'd rather see you die.
While they telling each and every.
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