About time you start to listen to your children and how they feel.
And the things that they have experienced from your abuse that you say isn't real.
The Child's Viewpoint.
Is the most important.
Because their fear, rage, hate, hurt, and pain is more imporant.
The Child's viewpoint.
Is everything.
No matter how much you'll lie and say it isn't.
It is.
Believe the victims, don't believe the abusers.
As they are alcoholics and drug users.
And nothing but a bunch of losers.
The Child's Viewpoint.
Their emotions and how they feel.
The Child's Viewpoint.
Is a lot more important then your viewpoint.
The Child's Viewpoint.
Like the stories they have to tell of mommy or daddy getting wasted, and then having to pick them off of the floor.
Or how about the times daddy threw mommy into the door.
The Child's Viewpoint.
The Child's Viewpoiint.
As they feel there is no more meaning in life anymore.
Whose responsible? whose keeping the dark secrets hidden?
The parents that's who!
The Child's Viewpoint.
What they feel inside.
For all of the times you lied.
And covered it up.
As if it never happened.
The Child's Viewpoint.
The years and years of abuse they've suffered you just ignore.
From their mother getting violent towards them while you stand there and close your door.
The Child's Viewpoint.
Of seeing mom shoot up on Heroine.
The Child's Viewpoint.
Seeing daddy do meth.
The Child's Viewpoint.
Of being sexually abused.
The Child's Viewpoint.
Of feeling left out because of their family situation.
The Child's Viewpoint.
Got understand why they have low-self-esteem.
And why they're bullies and are so vicious and mean.
The Child's Viewpoint.
As it flashes before their eyes.
Because of their parent's evil seeds.
And dark deeds.
The Child's Viewpoint.
That's what counts.
At any amount.
The Child's Viewpoint.
Is everything.
It's why they're suicidal.
Depressed or oppressed.
The Child's Viewpoint.
The Child's Viewpoint.
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