Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Failed Generations Lyrics

Generation after generation it seems to follow the same dysfunctional and rigid Rules and Roles.

And now we are at 7th Generation, the one step-up from mine.

It must not fail like the rest.

This one can't carry on the Generation after Generation of underage sex, underage pregnancy, drugs, or alcohol.

It has to overcome all of it, because this Generation knows better, but then again doesn't when misguided by friends and family which can't keep on happening.

This Generation has to be stronger, better, smarter and more more together then the dysfunctional unexperienced Generations before them.

And they can be if guided right.

Because I know they are very bright.

But no more no more will I take these...

Failed Generations

Generation after Generation

Failed Generations

And No it isn't alright!

Failed Generations

Generation after Generation

It has to change or else they won't know what's wrong from right.

Failed Generations

Generation after Generation

A pack of senseless lies.

Generation after Generation

So this one has to set it right

My Generation has failed as well.

It seems I'm one of few that hasn't.

But now we can't let that happen.

Failed Generations

Generation after Generation

Failed Generations

Generation after Generation

But No more will we keep the curse going.

Because this time is different, and this time is the time for ''You'' the next Generation to break the curse.

You can do it.

Just don't split apart.

Stay together.

Stay strong.

And nothing will go wrong.

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