Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Love isn't Alcohol Lyrics

Country Music has become a sess-pool of shit, and so is the industry itself.

The music isn't even worth it any more.

Seems like Brad Paisley is the only one who had the guts to talk about the negative side effects of alcohol.

When no country hick would have the guts to say it at all.

Love isn't Alcohol.

Can't claim to love your children and drink around them.

It's like breaking a precious Gem.

Love isn't Alcohol.

You pay more attention to the bottle then you do you're own child.

Love isn't Alcohol.

And no dumb-ass this isn't a compliment.

All you idiots out there who are drunk off your ass and use Brad's song as your ''Theme Song'' are a bunch of idiots.

And once again that ain't no fucking compliment.

Love isn't Alcohol.

And say it is, because you know you're full of shit.

You don't even get it.

Love isn't Alcohol.

Wake the fuck up.

Love isn't Alcohol.

It isn't love for yourself, or the ones you claim to love.

When all it does is push and shove.

To your body, and other's bodies as well.

It's nothing but a pool of hell.

Love isn't Alcohol.

Don't Be ignorant!

Love isn't Alcohol.

When all it does is destroy the ones you say you love.

Love isn't Alcohol.

Get it thru your thick head!

Before your children are dead!

From the abuse you kept going so long.

And you knew was wrong.

That's why it makes you weak instead of strong.

Love isn't Alcohol.

When it causes only suffering instead of Love.

Love isn't Alcohol.

Because it's abusive.

Love isn't Alcohol.

Because it's negative instead of positive.

Love isn't Alcohol.

Not to your body, and not to the bodies of the ones you say you love.

Love isn't Alcohol!

Love isn't Alcohol!

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